Company Introduction

SHUNYING International Securities belongs to the stock online platform jointly funded by Hong Kong SHUNYING Financial Company and American SHUNYING Financial Securities Company, and holds the American FINCEN MSB license (MSB full name is Money Services Business financial business service license It is a professional institutional platform that integrates US stocks, Hong Kong stocks, A shares, digital currency (spot trading, 3-10 times leverage), financial services and asset management. The platform helps users to increase their wealth safely, efficiently, quickly, conveniently and quickly, and brings the ultimate service experience to users.

Fund Guarantee

JGTJ STOCK strictly abides by the Securities and Futures Ordinance, and provides professional, high-quality, safe and reliable Internet securities services for global Chinese investors.

Message from executives

Jena Griswold
Managing Director
The person in charge of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission's No. 1 and No. 4 licenses
Be virtuous and carry all things, seek the long-term common growth of users and enterprises.
Pranav Goenka
General Manager
The person in charge of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission's No. 2、5 and No. 9 licenses
A great ship asks for deep waters , a wise person chooses GAYANG SECURITIES.
Mark Carson
Chief Adviser
Master of Economics, Zhejiang University
With the help of US-Hong Kong Connect, global layout; invest in the future, Jiasui Yingche
Jochen Dannemann
Finance Director
Senior enterprise tax solution expert
Manage assets and wealth with a global perspective, and promote the asset globalization of Chinese investors.

Contact Us

Company Address

17th Floor, International Finance Center, 8 Financial Street, Central, Hong Kong Island
2679 W Main Street, Littleton, CO

Contact Information

Customer line 400-0677-789

Email [email protected]